Is it possible to enter decimal coordinates in metadata pane instead of degrees, minutes and seconds?
Is it possible to enter decimal coordinates in metadata pane instead of degrees, minutes and seconds?
There isn't an option for that, at least currently.
So, if I have decimal coordinates how can I quick fillout the filelds without conversion? Most of software and web-services supports decimal coordinates by default. Do you intend to make that option?
While the UI only takes them in degrees, minutes and seconds, the SetAttr command can accept the decimal format:
So you could make a button which asks for the new values and sets them on the file, if that's what you need.
I see, but I used to modify them via Metadata pane. Also, it's suitable for visual checking too, not just for editing.
So I want to make feature request.
Makes sense. We'll add it to the list.
Because it can be more compact and requires less separation in fields this is something I asked for a few years back. I still wish I had it ; }
Hi, just wondering if decimal coordinate entry and display using the metadata pane (and seeing it displayed that way via infotips) is still on the development list.
It's still on the list. Not sure when we will get to it, since you can use commands and scripts to do the same thing as workarounds.
Been using workarounds a few years now, yes. Hoping to enter the modern age soon though ; }
Been awhile, but is there yet any interest in making decimal coordinates for metadata display an option? As said before, it's more compact, easier to compare, and largely used in a variety of map suites. Yes, there are workarounds, but that's what they are: workarounds.
Column width comparison of coordinate systems:
47° 51' 44.35920" N 119° 7' 10.49880"
When you are perusing hundreds of photos in power mode the decimal approach allows easy VISUAL comparison of gps, and the additional benefit is more columns of camera metadata can be seen at once. It also makes it easier to deal with photo sets that are being used to coordinate with maps. And data entry is easier.
Please consider modernizing this aspect of DOpus. I've never asked for much since first buying the program at the very start of its life on the Amiga.
It's on our to-do list. Please stop bumping the thread.
It is now 2½ years later and V13, so i dare to bump this thread.
Just found, that Everything 1.5 Alpha is supporting images search using coordinates, but it insists on the decimal format. There are web pages out there, that can do that, but it's quite a bit of fumbling. Being able to switch between the formats in the Miscellaneous section would be much appreciated, if the work load allows it.
Preferences / File Operations / Metadata / Editor (Metadata) / Decimal geocoordinate editing
Hey, i didn't expect you to do this within 20 minutes! Thanks!
In case anyone here is interested, how to search the collection in Everything (and after some tweaking surely also in Opus, using the ET search) using coordinates, here are the syntax and requirements (example):
latitude:<53.3204N> longitude:<10.1203E>
So the coords need to be in angled brackets, and only accept four after decimal point digits, which is accurate enough. Of course you'll need to adjust the N/S E/W bits to work properly. From a quick test, i could't integrate it into Opus yet, but the script wizards here will find a way, i'm sure.