You guys are brilliant! Thank you both so much
I just stumbled on another post (by Leo) that has a wealth of presets that I never saw before:
[url]Various simple rename presets]
They are all so useful! I accidentally posted a question in the scripting section, so since it relates to the above, I might as well ask it here:
For the "Swap Artists" preset, I changed it so that it would just swap words between a dash (as long as there is only one dash). So for example, if I have a book named "Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland.pdf" it would change it to "Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll.pdf". So I tried the following:
Regexp (.+) - (.+) to \2 - \1
It works, but the problem is that the extension is also swapped, so that it results in:
"Alice in Wonderland.pdf - Lewis Carroll"
Is there anyway for me to change the code so that I can avoid swapping the extension?[/url]