is there some way to delete all NONmatching files from a folder?
I have a set of photos from Flickr that I downloaded with Bulkr. (Nothing illegal - all creative commons). Each picture has a matching text file: aa.jpg and aa.txt. After looking thru the pictures, i move/delete many of them. It sometimes happens that although i delete the jpg, the unwanted txt file is left behind in the folder. I'd like to remove only these txt files that are not matched with a jpg file.
Any help appreciated.
Leo, thank you. I think that you are saying that I can create this series of commands in the command editor which is referenced in the help documentation. I have tried to locate the command editor by clicking on various things and then clicking customize but all i get is a window with commands,toolbars,keys and context menus tabs, and i dont see anywhere to copy in the set of commands you gave me.