Detect DOpus on any computer?

This depends from the program logic. However, the problem is now solved in another way. DOpus users will see everything in Dopus.

Is it possible to open the "Set Metadata" dialog of DOpus for a specific file from the command-line?

I am making a tool (this is not the one for which I asked above) which watches a specific folder. When a file is changed or created inside this specific folder, I want the "Set Metadata" dialog of DOpus to automatically come up to allow me to enter or edit metadata for this file. Or is this already possible with DOpus?

Filesystem events are out of scope of DO, but I think you can trigger the metadata dialog externally.

One question per thread, please.

The original question ("Detect DOpus on any computer ") was solved and new, unrelated questions keep being added.