Dialog actual aspect ratio differs from set aspect ratio

It has just come to my notice that setting a dialog to be square (1:1) in the resource editor


does not necessarily result in a square dialog being shown

depending on the Prefs/Fonts/Dialogs settings.

IMO this is a bug - the fonts should be fitted into the dialog, not the dialog re-arranged from what it has been set to to fit the font.

Please fix

Not a bug.

Those units are not pixels, they are what Windows calls Dialog Units. The width and height are based on the dialog font, and it isn't a square grid. This isn't something we defined; it's how dialog resources work in Windows itself.

hmmm - not good.
square peg does not fit in round hole
and apparantly
a square image does not fit in a square dialog

Square in one font wouldn't be square in another anyway, and most dialogs involve controls with text on them, not just images.

You can reposition/resize things using pixels in the code, of course. It's just dialog editors that tend to use DLUs instead of pixels.