Different visualisation for each folder

Ehi. i set "view-large icons" every folder will show large icons but i want folders to have independent view. i want to be able to set details for one folder,icons for another,and list for another one
How can i do it?

Sorry it's too long. i'n not english or american i have problems. can't you just help saying what i have to do?

i don't want to create custom views or so many other things. i just want something like "allow different view for each folder" so i can set icon or details where i want

Go to the folder you want to change.

Make the change.

In the Folder Options dialog (accessed via Folder > Folder Options, if using the default toolbars), click Save and choose the option to save for just that folder.

ok thanks but i don't have the button folder on the toolbar.i have to right ckcik the background and then select view--->folder options

ohhh ok,thanks i wasn't watching there