Directory Cascade Menu

Hi Guys,
I'm trying to figure out if Directory Opus 9.x already supports a kind of button that allows to browse directories.

Last night I worked half hour on a small tool that creates the XML browsing recursively a directory. The result is in the attached pic.

It's nice and working and I could release it, but there are some issues:

  1. It's static. if something changes you have to rebuild the
  2. It can be extremly slow for very deep and populated directories even for creating and for the paste in Dopus.
  3. It's a memory eater. The button in the attached pic, is over 1.5Mb (well its content is really HUGE)

So... any suggestion? ideas?

You can use variants of Go FOLDERCONTENT for this. There are a few examples in this thread: ... dercontent

That's great. Thank you so much.
I admit, I was still totally ignoring most of new features.
Btw I can't figure out how to use the
parameter dirfilter to -exclude- some dirs.

In my case, I wish to exclude all directories named CVS and those ones who start with a point (eg. .metadata, .settings etc...)

Could you or someone help me with this?

This basically works:

Go "E:\temp" FOLDERCONTENT="dirfilter=~(.*|CVS)"

But there is a caveat... any folder with CVS in the name is excluded... not just folders named purely "CVS". I'm not a whiz with the Opus pattern matching syntax which drives the dirfilter argument, so I'm not sure how to restrict it to JUST literal "CVS" name matching...

Woopsy... it does NOT match any folder with CVS in the name. It was just that the test folder I had in the target folder was empty, and by default the FOLDERCONTENT option does not show empty folders... which can be overidden by adding the showempty arg like so:

Go "E:\temp" FOLDERCONTENT="dirfilter=~(.*|CVS),showempty"

False alarm...