Directory Opus 10 - Dopus v.4x Amiga Style

Not sure if I can call this configuration a Theme - it is more a clean minimalistic Amiga Dopus v.4 lookalike config :slight_smile: Easy to use - hope you like it :blush:

If you like it, please visit my Directory Opus config here :

:warning: Warning: :warning:

The download is a full Configuration Backup (.ocb file), not a theme (.dlt file).

Unlike themes (.dlt files), configuration backups replace your entire configuration. Installing a configuration backup will change every single Opus setting, and all your toolbars, folder formats, etc., to the ones saved in the file by the author.

If you only want to affect visual settings then do not install configuration backups; only install actual theme files (.dlt).

If you install the .ocb file be sure to backup your own configuration first so that you can go back to it. Use Settings -> Backup & Restore to create a backup of your configuration. - Classic Dopus 4 Theme.ocb (38 KB)

This is a sweet theme/configuration. I've been looking for a good Amiga DOpus layout. Thank you for doing this. Already installed this!

Two requests (not in any order):

  1. Is it possible to put a vertical bank for the drive letters (see attachment)
  2. Do "scrollable" button banks like the Amiga Opus had (see attachment)



thank you :slight_smile:

How it is possible to switch back the buttons etc. to a different language, please?
I have not the experience. The manual often confuse me. The preferences are in german.
I am referring to the buttons and to the commands, only.

Thank you you for your help.
