Directory Opus 12.25 Not Dowloading

I have Directory Opus 12.24 installed and a message box comes up saying Directory Opus 12.25 is available.

I press the download button, but nothing happens.

Went to the site and tried to download the installer but it failed due to a 'secure connection' issue.

Is there a problem that I am not aware of?

Try rebooting or a different browser. There were some certificate expiry issues with Let's Encrypt which affected a lot of sites, including ours, and may still be an issue if an old certificate is still cached.

If you have firewall or antivirus that proxies HTTPS traffic then restarting that or flushing its cache may be needed.

i had same problem which was resolved after I rebooted.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.
The situation resolved itself and I am now using the latest version.