Directory Opus 13.0.44 (Beta) now available

To download, use Help -> Check for Program Updates or download manually.

  • The "Change Language" button now draws attention to itself in Preferences when another language is selected.

  • A quick search (e.g. Everything) in a locked tab now opens a new tab and shows the search results correctly (previously a new tab would open but the results would not be shown)

  • The grp: syntax for pattern matching now always ignores diacritics when looking up the name of the filetype group (previously the "ignore diacritics" flag had to be on for the wildcard match itself)

  • The grp: syntax for pattern matching now supports passing the English name of the default filetype groups as well as the translated name

  • Fixed default filetype group formats being created with the wrong name (translated rather than english)

  • File Display's hot item under the mouse now updates after scrolling with the keyboard.

  • The evaluator variables available to the column header and folder tab context menus are now passed through to the functions launched from those menus as well

  • Fixed mousewheel while dragging over the folder tree, which would drop the file on a random window (seems to be a Windows bug).

  • The "Add to multi-value fields by default, when multiple files are selected" option now correctly only works when multiple files (with conflicting tags) are selected. If only a single file is selected (or all the tags are the same) the old behaviour will still apply, meaning existing tags can be edited and removed without needing a - in front of them.

  • Fixed commands that add Script and Evaluator columns not respecting position and width parameters.

  • Fixed "Copy MAKESFX HERE" when run on something that isn't already a zip.

  • Fixed crash when changing languages (ID 110).

  • Default backup filename now includes the time.

  • Fixed F2 and F3 hotkeys not working in the Rename script editor.

  • Added Set SIDE argument. Can be used to change icons or commands on file display toolbars depending on which side they are on.

  • Fixed text display in licence manager.