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In the standalone viewer, fixed hidden toolbar appearing on mouse over if viewer opened in Customize mode.
Default FTP folder format no longer has a mysterious blank column added to it by default.
The "Begin lasso on filenames" option now works reliably for the first name clicked on if the qualifier is set to alt or shift.
When a tab becomes active because another tab closed, the OnActivateTab method is now fired synchronously so that the "oldtab" value remains valid.
Added ActivateTabData.closing property which is True if the activation change is due to the old tab closing.
Possible fix for reported lockup with MTP device.
Fixed progress dialogs not opening while Preferences or Customize were open.
Fixed .exe being added to the Archives file type when reset. It will be removed automatically if currently there. This in turn fixes Go FOLDERCONTENT and FileType toolbar buttons which run exe files or shortcuts to them, which were opening their parent folders instead of running them.
Fixed Duplicate File Finder always behaving as if "Search Subfolders" was on.
Fixed name length count in Create Folder dialog not redrawing properly when the number of digits changed (e.g. 99 <-> 100).
Fixed filter bar extensions list working incorrectly if a single long extension was selected in Match Any Word mode.
Fixed clicks on tab bar scroll arrows making the file display source if the arrow was disabled when the button was released.
Fixed bug in previous beta which removed non-Zip extensions from the Archives file type group.
Fixed Preferences / Recent List incorrectly saying it was disabled by privacy settings when it was just turned off.
Fixed crash which could happen when populating the folder tree. (ID 112)
You can now get the translated "Find Results" collection name via Evaluator code: LanguageStr("FindResults")
Rename control keys (mainly useful with inline rename) no longer override keys in the Rename dialog. (Keys that don't clash with the dialog's own hotkeys still work when the old/new name fields have focus.)
Customize / Default Toolbars: Layout in standard DPI now fits the window at minimum height.
Config backups now include sub-folders of /iconsets.