Directory Opus 13.13.2 (Beta)

:warning: This is a beta release. It may be unstable. Some text may not be translated yet. Use at your own risk!

:inbox_tray: Download manually, or use Help > Check for Program Updates (if beta versions are enabled in Preferences / Internet / Updates).

  • In script dialogs, the Map object passed to the Control.AddText and ModifyText methods can now have w and h to set or modify the size explicitly. For multiline text, when the size is set explicitly the entire rectangle is filled using the background color (otherwise, only the area behind the text is filled).

    • Set to a positive number to set the size to a specific amount
    • Set to -1 to use the automatic size, but fill the entire rectangle
    • Set to a number less than -1 to add padding to the automatic size. For example, -5 would add 4 pixels of padding.
  • The map can also now have an alpha property set to make the text transparent. Specify a value between 1 and 255.

  • In a script dialog, changing a button control's fg or bg properties now redraws the button automatically.

  • Fixed label buttons deleted in one toolbar appearing to not be removed from other instances of the same toolbar.

  • Fixed files copied out of zip subfolders in flatview / expanded folders incorrectly recreating their parent folder in the target.

  • Fixed Image CONVERT=!list command not displaying a separator following the list if one was assigned to the command that generates it.

  • Fixed F1 help in user command editor linking to a non-existent help page.