This is a beta release. It may be unstable. Some text may not be translated yet. Use at your own risk!
Download manually, or use Help > Check for Program Updates (if beta versions are enabled in Preferences / Internet / Updates).
Name column now widens to make space for folder expanders when turning off grouping.
If the new option is turned on to hide expanders when no sub-dirs are present, the Name column now resizes to account for the folder expanders when the first/last sub-dir is created/removed.
Changed look and default colors of new folder highlights.
Fixed unnecessary folder read/refresh when turning NavLock on if two paired folders were already displayed.
The evaluator when used in the status bar now has access to tab- and Lister-relative variables as well as global.
Fixed new "Left margin only when grouped" flag not applying in all cases.
Fixed internal (hidden) markup being included in Preferences search index.