Directory Opus BASIC Icons v2.0 - 592 new flat Win8 icons!

No, Icon sets can only change the toolbar icons.

Damn a pity that as without those smaller icons changing the effect is (slightly) reduced.

Thanks for this great work! :thumbsup:

Very nice

Nice work! These look great.

I especially like the back, forward, up, and favorite buttons. The stock glassy ones looked off to me. :slight_smile:

[quote="Cris"]v2.0: Directory Opus 11 Icons added!

Hi Cris, Thanks for these icons, (and the default ones).
I found an Easter egg, The swapsourcedest_horz and swapsourcedest_vert are swapped/backwards in the basic set.

As an aside, I was creating a button the other day Link to post, and copied then modified one of your buttons. Hope you don't mind. Please let me know if this is a problem.

Thanks again for the icons.

Thanks, Fixed!

No problem

This is such a great icon set, thank you for sharing! :slight_smile:

I LOVE these icons, TY. :thumbsup: Is there a way to get DO to use the drive icons from this set instead of the regular Windows drive icons? I have the "Drive Buttons" toolbar added and when in Customize mode it shows the placeholder one's from the set, but once ot of Customize mode, the normal Windows drive icons show instead.

Also, It'd be awesome (if possible) to have an "extended set" of icons, that have things like the usual Social Network icons, ereader icons (like B&N Nook, Kindle, generic eReader/eBook, etc.), Generic Android icons, things like that. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately it looks like the icon author doesn't monitor this thread anymore :frowning: , But maybe someone else might know; are these icons also available in separate form (as individual icons) instead of in a single icon sheet? I'd love to be able to use them in other areas of my Windows programs.

I think Cris is still around. He joined in 2006, and last posted in here about a month back. Only Cris would have the images in another format. You could manually pull out the ones you want
Regarding other icons have you see this post S-DOX II Additional Icon Set (177 icons) Attachment(s) by Sasa.

I'm still around :wink:

As far as I know, Opus uses the regular Windows drive icons for the Drive Buttons toolbar, but you could create your own drive buttons?

Unfortunately I don't have enough time at the moment to add more icons ...

This set is only available as a single icon sheet

You can assign icons to drives in Windows like this: HDD Letter Icons. Opus will then use them in "Go drivebuttons" etc.

Very nicely done, thank you very much :slight_smile:

I just found these icons and love them so much! Thank you Cris!

Thank you. I'm confuse though, it say 592 new icon but DOpus say "296"

296 icons, each with two sizes (small+large) = 592 total.

That make sense. But the maths don't add up. Having size consider as icon is rather confusing too.

I been using this set for a few days and really like it. It is just too bad there will be no longer any plan to update it.

296 + 296 = 592

Adds up as far as I can tell.

Thanx for this! Looks great inside windows 10 :slight_smile: