Directory Opus Light vs Pro: Is it faster/less sluggish?

I love Directory Opus, but the Pro version runs sluggish on my PC. Anyhow, I recently discovered there was also a Light version, which has less features. Does the Light version run faster, load faster, take up less memory resources because it doesn't have to load all those Pro features??

Are there tips to reduce the memory resource usage of Directory Opus?

We need more detail to understand what might be causing the problem. The Light version is unlikely to make a difference here.

Where/when are you seeing performance issues? Reading folders? Right-clicking files? When scrolling the file list? Somewhere else?

How much memory is dopus.exe using? It should not usually be much by today's standards.

ohh ok, its hard to describe, but generally the program just feels sluggish to use after leaving it visible for a period of time. The best way I could describe it is like having say a web browser like Firefox with tons of tabs opened, that type of sluggishness, which only goes away with an application restart. Is there a way to reduce or expand the memory usage of Opus or reduce number of History items stored etc that could improve this?

What makes you think that's where the problem lies?

How much memory is dopus.exe using?

How many Opus windows and tabs do you have open when things get slow?

Slowdowns are usually caused by shell extensions something else has installed, not generally by Opus itself. But if you have hundreds of windows/tabs open and forget to close them, that could start to slow things down, perhaps.

ok that could be the issue, i'm going to remove unused shell extensions to see if it helps. Thanks Leo