Directory Opus Vista Wallpaper v3.0

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All Wallpapers are available in 4 sizes (1024x768; 1280x1024; 1280x800; 1440x900) (721 KB): Directory Opus 10 Logo and Text (4 sizes) (658 KB): Small Directory Opus Logo (4 sizes) (1020 KB): Big Directory Opus Logo (4 sizes)

Nice :slight_smile:

I noticed that only when I'm logged in, the download link is available.
When I'm not logged in, the download link has gone ??? :confused:

[quote="Christiaan"]I noticed that only when I'm logged in, the download link is available.
When I'm not logged in, the download link has gone ??? :confused:[/quote]


Very nice wall, thanks for providing. :smiley:

Ditto on that... Forgot to say thanks Christiaan, I've been using this wall since I found your post.

Your contributions are much appreciated! Loving the Vista Icons too (using on XP)...

New version; Enjoy! :wink:

great new backdrops!

Hey Cris...not to sound like an ingrate in spite of all the awesome new icons in Opus v10, but is there any chance you might have an updated version of this backdrop for v10 :slight_smile:...? Lot's of folks I work with ask "what's Directory Opus" because of this wallpaper :slight_smile:. Or sometimes for some reason they ask... "is that a MAC"... :confused:

Sure Steje, good idea! But currently I'm working on another toolbar icon-set for Opus 10.
Based on my default set for Opus 10 I'm designing a completely new Opus 10 XP iconset.

So, this means another 500 icons ... :laughing:

BTW: You sent me a private message about the icons some time ago. You probably missed my reply? :wink:

Good luck on the XP icons - I'll be checking them out as I'm still on XP for awhile yet - most likely.

I just checked my mail - somehow, I lobbed your reply into my Opus folder along with all the fix notifications, SORRY - how rude! I'll have to go back and re-look at which ones I was using for my mods... thanks for reminding me!

Updated, now with Opus 10 Logo! :wink:

Woohoo... thanks Cris! I see you just about doubled the size of the Opus text from the v9 version. That ought to catch ppl's eye :slight_smile:. Thanks much.