Hello, until yesterday Directory Opus worked well on my computer, but since thois morning, not anymore.
I used the last stable version 13.7 and updated with the last beta version -> same result.
The app simply do not open anymore. I see the Directory Opus process running for somes seconds, the disappearing.
I'm running Windows 10 22H2. I already rebooted my computer with no success running DO.
The updates installed : KB5040427, KB5041019 and KB5041080.
On the windows event log, there is an error 1000 application error, with the following description :
Please use Explorer to have a look in %TEMP%\DOpus.Minidumps and see if a crash log was saved. If so, please ZIP it (or them) and email it to crashdumps@gpsoft.com.au.
Or, simply roll back the updates and see if that resolves the problem. You can always re-apply them the second time around. But I'd leave that until you know nothing else works, as it could cause more problems.
I installed the same updates and I'm also on Win 10 22H2, and I have no problem with DOpus. I think if there's a problem with your Windows install you'll see the same thing happen to other apps at one point or another.
My install is really old - it hasn't been refreshed since 2011 and Windows 7, so I've had quite a few OS file permission issues over the years. I almost never got Windows 10 installed in the first place.
Unfortunaltely, even doing that does not produce any output. The program is apparently closed at a very early stage of loading.
I can't disable my anti-virus, it is managed by my company. For the record, it is Sentinel One version There are no files or threats identified on the client side.