Disk cache

Trying out Directory Opus for Windows.

I have over 100 000 images (movie frames) in one directory on NAS.

Now it can take tens of minutes to get the directory displayed and if I navigate to an another location and want to back to NAS location I have to wait again!

So it would be essential to be able to use Disk cache on network

Is this option available in in DirOpus? If not I hope it will be available soon.

Still no solution for this?

With a such special program like Directory Opus it should be a fundamental function be able to process large number of files.

Are you talking about image thumbnails? I don't have a NAS but I'd expect Opus to be able to handle them.

Hi. Thanks for answering.

Unfortunately that setting only changes image Cache.

The Cache type I'm after is just simple file and directrory Cache.

What kind of view are you using? Dopus can cache image thumbnails as the are expensive to calculate and easy to tell if the image changes (using a date time or file hash).

However what values are you hoping to cache? DOpus does not support caching the folder listing, or the meta data/columns as this could change without DOpus knowing. The folder would then be out of sync causing issues.

What you can do is lock the Lister, and then if you accidentally navigate away it will open in a new tab.

Experience has shown me that when dealing with a NAS, it is really important to give consideration of the data you ask an Opus Lister to supply.

For instance, I had the bright idea that it would be nice to display the relative file size of music tracks on my NAS. It more than doubled the time taken to build even the smallest directory, and it is easy to surmise why.

With some thoughtful tuning my NAS displays files in handy time. Slower that a fixed drive, of course, but still rapid enough to be of no concern.

Another point that may be worth considering is whether there is an overwhelming reason to have 100,000 images in one folder.

Also have a look at Info Tips - that is a really good way to view data about files without building Listers with a large number of columns to display metadata.

Relative file size shouldn't increase the time it takes to read a directory in any noticeable way, even on a network drive. The file size data is part of the basic directory listing and always retrieved.

(Folder sizes, OTOH, can add a lot of extra requests to the disk or network, since the OS/filesystem doesn't keep track of that information.)

You know far more about these things than I do, Leo, but without any doubt removing the relative file size column from the music directory on my NAS causes a big increase in performance when building directories.

Just to make sure I was not dreaming, I put the column back and took an immediate performance hit. On a directory of around 200 music files it is really, noticeable.

Another of life's little mysteries, perhaps.