Display two different Duplicate File Finder results concurrently?

Good day,

My desired result is to place two displays or Listers side by side, each with a different Duplicate File Finder result (using different methods, one MD5 and one filename & size.

When I attempt this, it seems that no matter what I try, the first result always changes to match the second. This happens even when I click Lock Folder on the first.

Is it possible to have the results of two different file searches display at the same time?


At the top right if the Duplicate File Finder panel tit says Show results in: and then has a collection name where the results are sent to.

Change that name for the second set of results, and you can see both at once.

The Find Files panel will do this automatically if two searches are done at once, unless the option to do so is off in Preferences. It's possible the Duplicate File Finder panel doesn't do it automatically as it's rarer to do two of those at once, but I'm not at my PC to check that.

Thanks, Leo. Yep, I'd noticed that the Find Files panel does it, but it appears the Duplicate File Finder panel doesn't. Glad there's a way to change the DFF behavior.