Dlg.result of the "script list dialog" has no return value?

Or is there another way?

Some small example code of what you’re trying to do would be useful here.

When I checked the item and press enter, nothing is output.

function OnClick(clickData)

    var strValue;
    var strName;

    var dlg = DOpus.Dlg;

    dlg.title = "Directory Opus";
    dlg.template = "dlgList";
    dlg.detach = true;
	dlg.Control("static").label = "Topic";                                  // Topic
	dlg.Control("static2").label = "Notes";                                 // Notes
	dlg.Control("static3").label = "D:\\Icons\\Find.png";                   // Icon
	dlg.Control("static4").label = "D:\\Icons\\Find.png";                   // Icon
	dlg.Control("static5").label = "D:\\Icons\\Clear.png";                  // Clear

    updateList(dlg, strName, strValue);


    while (true) {
        var msg = dlg.GetMsg();
        if (!msg.result) break;

// Result
        if (dlg.result == 1 || dlg.Control("btnOK").focus == true) {
            for (i=0; i < dlg.Control("list").count; i ++) {
                if (dlg.Control("list").GetItemAt(i).checked == 1) {

// Right click list menu
        if (msg.event == "rclick" && dlg.Control("list").focus == true) {

            var dlgMenu = DOpus.Dlg;
            if (dlg.Control("list").value.index > -1) {
                //dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("Edit...", "Delete", "-", "Select Variable", "Deselect Variable", "-", "Select All", "Select None", "-", "Copy Name", "Copy Value", "-", "Clear Filter", "Refresh");
				dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("OK", "Cancel");
                //dlgMenu.menu = DOpus.Create.Vector(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
				dlgMenu.menu = DOpus.Create.Vector(1, 1);
            else {
                //dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("New...", "Delete", "-", "Select Variable", "Deselect Variable", "-", "Select All", "Select None", "-", "Copy Name", "Copy Value", "-", "Clear Filter", "Refresh");
				dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("OK", "Cancel");
                dlgMenu.menu = DOpus.Create.Vector(1,1);
            var menuReturn = dlgMenu.Show;

// Filter
		if (msg.event == "editchange" || msg.event == "click") {
			updateList(dlg, strName, strValue);


function updateList(dlg, strName, strValue) {


// List items
    var text = "tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, tag6, tag7, tag8, tag9, tag10, tag11, tag12, tag13, tag14, tag15, tag16, tag17, tag18, tag19, tag20, tag21, tag22, tag23, tag24, tag25, tag26, tag27, tag28, tag29, tag30, tag31, tag32, tag33, tag34, tag35";
	var myArray = text.split(", ");                           // Seprator
    for(i = 0; myArray[i]; i++) {
        strName = myArray[i];
		var strRealName = myArray[i];
		var strFilter = dlg.Control("editFilter").value;      // Get filter value
		strFilter = strFilter.toLowerCase();

		if (strRealName.search(strFilter) == -1) {

        dlg.Control("list").AddItem(strName);                 // Add each item to list

		strRealName = "";
		strFilter = "";
	//dlg.Control("staticNotify").label = "Total: " + dlg.Control("list").count;

	<resource name="dlgList" type="dialog">
		<dialog fontsize="9" height="350" lang="english" resize="yes" standard_buttons="ok,cancel" title="Directory Opus" width="279">
			<control halign="left" height="12" name="editFilter" resize="w" tip="Filter" type="edit" width="118" x="25" y="331" />
			<control checkboxes="auto" fullrow="yes" height="287" name="list" noheader="yes" resize="wh" type="listview" viewmode="details" width="266" x="6" y="40">
					<item text="Name" />
					<item text="Value" />
					<item text="Type" />
					<item text="Persist" />
			<control enable="no" height="12" name="btnOK" resize="xy" title="&amp;OK" type="button" visible="no" width="42" x="184" y="332" />
			<control enable="no" height="12" name="btnClose" resize="xy" title="C&amp;ancel" type="button" visible="no" width="42" x="229" y="332" />
			<control halign="left" height="8" name="static" title="Topic" type="static" valign="top" width="236" x="33" y="7" />
			<control halign="left" height="13" image="yes" name="static3" title="Static" type="static" valign="top" width="13" x="7" y="5" />
			<control halign="left" height="13" image="yes" name="static4" title="Static" type="static" valign="top" width="13" x="8" y="330" />
			<control halign="left" height="16" name="static2" title="Notes" type="static" valign="top" width="236" x="33" y="20" />
			<control halign="left" height="5" name="static5" title="Static" type="static" valign="top" width="6" x="134" y="335" />

That’s your own custom dialog, not “the script list dialog”.

I’m not sure if the result property applies to custom dialogs in detached mode. Not at a computer to check that yet. But you can tell which button is pressed because you get an event for it with a detached dialog.

Looking at the code more closely, you seem to be testing dlg.result while the dialog is still open as well, which doesn’t make sense.

Yes thanks, solved it.

function OnClick(clickData)

    var strValue;
    var strName;

    var dlg = DOpus.Dlg;

    dlg.title = "Directory Opus";
    dlg.template = "dlgList";
    dlg.detach = true;
	dlg.Control("static").label = "Topic";                                  // Topic
	dlg.Control("static2").label = "Notes";                                 // Notes
	dlg.Control("static3").label = "D:\\Icons\\Find.png";                   // Icon
	dlg.Control("static4").label = "D:\\Icons\\Find.png";                   // Icon
	dlg.Control("static5").label = "D:\\Icons\\Clear.png";                  // Clear

    updateList(dlg, strName, strValue);


    while (true) {
        var msg = dlg.GetMsg();
        if (!msg.result) break;

// Result
        if(msg.event == "focus" || dlg.Control("btnOK").focus == true) {
		   var items = "";
           for (i=0; i < dlg.Control("list").count; i ++) {
                if (dlg.Control("list").GetItemAt(i).checked == 1) {
				    items += dlg.Control("list").GetItemAt(i).name;
					items+= "\r\n";

// Right click list menu
        if (msg.event == "rclick" && dlg.Control("list").focus == true) {

            var dlgMenu = DOpus.Dlg;
            if (dlg.Control("list").value.index > -1) {
                //dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("Edit...", "Delete", "-", "Select Variable", "Deselect Variable", "-", "Select All", "Select None", "-", "Copy Name", "Copy Value", "-", "Clear Filter", "Refresh");
				dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("OK", "Cancel");
                //dlgMenu.menu = DOpus.Create.Vector(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
				dlgMenu.menu = DOpus.Create.Vector(1, 1);
            else {
                //dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("New...", "Delete", "-", "Select Variable", "Deselect Variable", "-", "Select All", "Select None", "-", "Copy Name", "Copy Value", "-", "Clear Filter", "Refresh");
				dlgMenu.choices = DOpus.Create.Vector("OK", "Cancel");
                dlgMenu.menu = DOpus.Create.Vector(1,1);
            var menuReturn = dlgMenu.Show;

// Filter
		if (msg.event == "editchange" || msg.event == "click") {
			updateList(dlg, strName, strValue);


//Output result	
	if(items != "" && dlg.result == 1) {
	   var array = items.split("\r\n");
       for (i=0; array[i]; i ++) {

function updateList(dlg, strName, strValue) {


// List items
    var text = "tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4, tag5, tag6, tag7, tag8, tag9, tag10, tag11, tag12, tag13, tag14, tag15, tag16, tag17, tag18, tag19, tag20, tag21, tag22, tag23, tag24, tag25, tag26, tag27, tag28, tag29, tag30, tag31, tag32, tag33, tag34, tag35";
	var myArray = text.split(", ");                           // Seprator
    for(i = 0; myArray[i]; i++) {
        strName = myArray[i];
		var strRealName = myArray[i];
		var strFilter = dlg.Control("editFilter").value;      // Get filter value
		strFilter = strFilter.toLowerCase();

		if (strRealName.search(strFilter) == -1) {

        dlg.Control("list").AddItem(strName);                 // Add each item to list

		strRealName = "";
		strFilter = "";
	//dlg.Control("staticNotify").label = "Total: " + dlg.Control("list").count;

	<resource name="dlgList" type="dialog">
		<dialog fontsize="9" height="350" lang="english" resize="yes" title="Directory Opus" width="279">
			<control halign="left" height="12" name="editFilter" resize="w" tip="Filter" type="edit" width="118" x="25" y="331" />
			<control checkboxes="auto" fullrow="yes" height="287" name="list" noheader="yes" resize="wh" type="listview" viewmode="details" width="266" x="6" y="40">
					<item text="Name" />
					<item text="Value" />
					<item text="Type" />
					<item text="Persist" />
			<control close="1" default="yes" height="12" name="btnOK" resize="xy" title="&amp;OK" type="button" width="42" x="184" y="332" />
			<control close="0" height="12" name="btnClose" resize="xy" title="C&amp;ancel" type="button" width="42" x="229" y="332" />
			<control halign="left" height="8" name="static" title="Topic" type="static" valign="top" width="236" x="33" y="7" />
			<control halign="left" height="13" image="yes" name="static3" title="Static" type="static" valign="top" width="13" x="7" y="5" />
			<control halign="left" height="13" image="yes" name="static4" title="Static" type="static" valign="top" width="13" x="8" y="330" />
			<control halign="left" height="16" name="static2" title="Notes" type="static" valign="top" width="236" x="33" y="20" />
			<control halign="left" height="5" name="static5" title="Static" type="static" valign="top" width="6" x="134" y="335" />