Bare with me as this is my first post in years . . . After a hour in chat with Norton it dawned on me that Directory Opus does NOT support the right click Context menu for Norton. In other words I have a zip file I wish to scan, and Norton right click isn't available in the menu as it shows in Windows 10 File Explorer. Have I missed a setting somewhere or can I ask pretty please Greg if this might possibly be fixed within the 11 release . . . . Thanks in advance for any advice.
Norton seem to intentionally hide their context menu outside of any program other than Explorer. (It's even hidden in other Microsoft apps, like the File Open dialogs within Notepad.)
You can work around this by manually adding a context menu item, although it seems every time Norton update their software they change all the paths to the program, so you have to keep updating the menu item. (Perhaps a script could be written to find the program automatically, as another workaround for that. But all of this seems to be intentional on Norton's part, and something they could just stop doing if enough people complain.)