DO ver. 12.7 won't download update for ver. 12.33

I recently had to re-install my OS and then I installed DO (12.7). Now, daily I get this pop-up (attached) to upgrade to 12.33.


So, I press the Download button - and nothing happens. The Download button just becomes active again. No upgrade.

What now?


  • Mike

You can download the installer directly:

(via Directory Opus Self-Service Support)

Thank you. Installed and verified ver.

Same question but a few months later. Had to re-install DO from 12.2 installer. I can see there is an update to 12.33 when I go to "check now" but the download never starts.
When I try to follow the link provided above I get "This site can't be reached" DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
I have also tried Download Opus - Directory Opus Self-Service Support from the "Download older versions" link on, but same result.
How to I update to 12.33?

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It's working OK here.

Could there be a DNS issue on your end or with your ISP?

Which part of the world are you in?

Hi @Leo. Thanks for the quick reply. I am in Spain - Europe. Probably not the best server to use, but it was the only one my search engine could find

No issues downloading it via Spain here, FWIW.

I would check your DNS and firewall settings to make sure they aren't blocking or diverting the lookup.

Tried different browsers - no result.
Then remembered TOR. That did the job. Thanks.

Thanks for thte "Tor tip"!
Just had the same problem (also from Spain) Had to re-install W11 and it gave me the same error.
Thankfully Tot worked!

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