I try to understand why when I press alt or ctrl keys and no files selected, my 3-buttons is activate.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button display="both" separate="yes" type="three_button">
<button display="both">
<label>1ère lettre</label>
<tip>1ère lettre en majuscule et extension en minuscule</tip>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@nodeselect </instruction>
<instruction>Rename CASE=allwords</instruction>
<instruction>Rename CASE=extlower</instruction>
<button display="both">
<tip>Majuscule (maj pour extension)</tip>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@nodeselect </instruction>
<instruction>Rename CASE=upper</instruction>
<instruction>Rename CASE=extlower</instruction>
<instruction>@nodeselect </instruction>
<instruction>Rename CASE=extupper</instruction>
<button display="both">
<tip>Minuscule (maj pour extension)</tip>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@nodeselect </instruction>
<instruction>Rename CASE=lower</instruction>
<instruction>@nodeselect </instruction>
<instruction>Rename CASE=extlower</instruction>
Thanks, this will be fixed in the next update.
I always have the same problem with this 2 buttons but only with alt key.
Rogner.dcf (6.54 KB)
Insérer.dcf (7.09 KB)
Thanks, this will be fixed in the next update.
Sorry again but now, I have problem with this button when I press ctrl key and no file selected...
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button display="both" separate="yes" type="three_button">
<button display="both">
<label>Par date</label>
<tip>Déplacer dans des dossiers par date (aaaa-mm) (shift pour aaaa-mm-jj)</tip>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@disablenosel </instruction>
<instruction>@nodeselect </instruction>
<instruction>Rename REGEXP PATTERN (.*) TO {modifieddate|D#yyyy-MM}\\\0 FILEINFO</instruction>
<instruction>@disablenosel </instruction>
<instruction>@nodeselect </instruction>
<instruction>Rename REGEXP PATTERN (.*) TO {modifieddate}\\\0 FILEINFO</instruction>
<button display="both">
<label>Par extension</label>
<tip>Déplacer dans des dossiers par extension (maj par nom de fichier)</tip>
<function type="normal">
<instruction>@disablenosel </instruction>
<instruction>Copy MOVE HERE CREATEFOLDER {o|ext2}</instruction>
<instruction>@disablenosel </instruction>
<instruction>Copy MOVE HERE CREATEFOLDER {file|noext}</instruction>