It happens, that i mistakenly open floating autoclose toolbars. So i'm not intending to use any of the options in that case. The only way to close them seems to be
a right click, choosing "close". I would suggest that floating toolbars would react to the ESC key, so we can close them using the keyboard.
They should close now when you click outside of them, to make them more like pop-up menus. (When combining state=floatactive with autoclose.)
I'm not sure if we handle Esc, but I've made a note to check that we do, since the aim is to make toolbars be like pop-up menus and Esc should work as well.
Having the Esc here wouldn't be a bad thing, but ive found a very simple & effective workaround. I just use a "dummy" command, which actually does
nothing (no command included), with the accelerator key "&X" (all real commands in the autoclose bar have some capital letters to choose), which closes the toolbar.
Btw. since the new version, i can't edit those toolbars anymore, because they are not visible. I think i read something like that (was it in one of steje's posts), but
can't remember the exact way to solve it. What about having some underscores for the trigger or accelarator key in autofloat toolbars, to avoid the capital letter
solution i have to use now? I think, that would make some sense, at least for the keyboard users fraction.
[quote="abr"]Btw. since the new version, i can't edit those toolbars anymore, because they are not visible. I think i read something like that (was it in one of steje's posts), but
can't remember the exact way to solve it.[/quote]
I think that has been fixed for the next beta (if it's the same issue I'm thinking of, where autoclose toolbars close because the Customize dialog opened and became active).
[quote]What about having some underscores for the trigger or accelarator key in autofloat toolbars, to avoid the capital letter
solution i have to use now? I think, that would make some sense, at least for the keyboard users fraction.[/quote]
That's on our list. I think the floating toolbar doesn't know it should be in keyboard mode right now, and we need to make the Toolbar command tell it to do that if the command was launched via a hotkey.
Yes, thanks, that's good . Here's the post i've read, btw: [url]DO11: Beta 6, Floating Toolbar not working properly - #6 by Leo]
[quote][quote]What about having some underscores for the trigger or accelarator key in autofloat toolbars, to avoid the capital letter
solution i have to use now? I think, that would make some sense, at least for the keyboard users fraction.[/quote]
That's on our list. I think the floating toolbar doesn't know it should be in keyboard mode right now, and we need to make the Toolbar command tell it to do that if the command was launched via a hotkey.[/quote]
There is one more thing i was thinking about, that is the handling of double or multiple accelerator keys (this is semi off topic). For example, in the command editor, we can use the first accelerator key, for example w, but can't reach other keys using the same key (w). I think, the most natural way would be either to repeat the key pushing "w" again, to jump to the second identic accelerator key, or being able to use the <- -> arrows between the items.
As for the floating toolbars, it would be also an option, i f we could navigate around using the arrow keys (Enter chooses), like we could do in a lister with thumbnails view (see screenshot). That would save us the hassle with maybe multiple acc' keys, which at the moment make those keys do nothing. So, in a crowded floating toolbar, i sometimes have to use some deliberate accelerator letters or even numerics, to circumvent this problem.