Each time when I close or exit DO11 Beta and open it again, it will loose all toolbars and only show standard toolbars. Can this be caused also by the not working config-backup?
Edit: Ok, when updating as default-lister is will remember toolbars - errr, is this new beahviour perhaps wanted (didn't read all changes)?
Toolbars are saved as part of the default lister, so if the default lister is set to be updated automatically each time a window is closed then the toolbars will as well, I think.
You can turn off Preferences / Launching Opus / Default Lister / Update Default Lister automatically when closing a Lister to stop that happening, or do you want some things to be saved & updated when you close the window but not others?
Actually, you can have the "save only some things and not others" already, by turning on: Preferences / Launching Opus / Default Lister / Ignore toolbars of Default Lister.
(Or maybe I have it backwards and you want to turn that off rather than on. Not sure.)
If that is on, the toolbars in the Default Lister will only be updated when you explicitly say so, using the menu item in my reply here: Default lister toolbars in DO11.
Thanks. Much input today, still exploring the changes, fun
Hmmmm, existing listerstyles also lost their toolbars and you can't update/save them (every style only shows the standard-toolbars).
Use the Settings / Toolbars / Set As Default Toolbar Set command to save toolbars that will be used by default in all layouts that don't have their own toolbars.