FIRSTLY... Yaaaaaay. Opus 11 for the holidays! Thanks alot for getting the beta out before the holidays. Will give me a chance to play while I'm on vaca...
I plan on playing a whole lot with both the scripting enhancements as well as the toolbar sets and lister locality. I see you went well beyond just saving which toolbars are turned on inside a layout definition... I lobbied hard for that general capability, so thanks alot for listening! With a much richer set of controls to affect the lister composition, I wonder if all of those methods will be caught by the folder format tooltip to inform a user where the lister composition is being derived from... particularly if one uses the new scripting interface to modify the lister setup.
Thanks ALOT for the user defined word break controls!!! I'll be checking how uniformly those controls are applied across the different input fields and dialogs . But already consider it a HUGE boon just for inline rename!
Also real glad you made the new sorting option to ignore prefixes both a global option as well as folder format option... I'll probably only use it in my media folders, so will add it to the folder options rather than global.
Intrigued by the progress indicator changes, but honestly surprised you didn't go the route of a full-blown Copy 'Panel'... I'm still feeling out the changes to the file display border toolbar and status bar stuff.
Rather than upgrading my config from v10, I've gone the route of manually re-configuring a fresh v11 install. Doing this to have an excuse to 'touch' all of the Prefs dialogs and customize areas for any glitches.
Every upgrade install of v10 had me deleting the Opus9 icon set... I see it's STILL here in v11? lol... let it go ppl. Download it from the forums if you want it ...
Good stuff guys... thanks again.