I miss the old "Create Folder" dialog behavior, where it used commas between the names of the dirs (as I rarely ever need or want commas in dir names). While I understand the benefit of the new behavior, I'd prefer a pref so I can switch the dialog back to the old behavior (commas between dirs., return = activate). Any chance of that?
What makes you prefer commas to pushing return? I found it a pain having to keep turning the option on and off (as sometimes dirs need commas) and can't see any downside to the new method (especially now you can double-tap return at the end).
Is it just what you're used to vs what you haven't gotten to yet?
You mean DO11 doesn't use commas?
Wonderful. This is a pain in DO10. Please don't change it back.
I keep meaning to find a way to create the folder from the clipboard in DO10 without getting multiple folders.
You could just turn off the checkbox below the folder name in Opus 10, so it wasn't impossible or anything. But in Opus 11 you can leave it on all the time and not worry about it again, which is nicer.
Not to forget that double-enter now is similar to ok-button, so just press enter for each separate folder and twice to finish.
[quote="leo"]What makes you prefer commas to pushing return? I found it a pain having to keep turning the option on and off (as sometimes dirs need commas) and can't see any downside to the new method (especially now you can double-tap return at the end).
Is it just what you're used to vs what you haven't gotten to yet?[/quote]
It IS what I am used to, in that it is an existing (long-standing) UX behavior, for which I have muscle memory. I don't use commas in dir names, period, so never had to switch the option.
If you are used to something, you can't easily change habits. But if you get used to it, it's definitely better. I had experienced too many mistakes opening multiple folders (comma separated) when some of the folders had a comma in their title. Only one question: As it is now, what is the usefulness of the multi-folder checkbox? Just open the new folder command with multi-folder selection by default without even showing the check-box.
Using a comma as separator was ok, but it's an allowed char for foldernames and you may not use commas, but other people sometimes do (like me), so each time I had to look which option was set.
Now it's a good compromise for everyone. I'm also used to th eold behaviour, but I think I will get used to press enter twice soon .
It is the CreateFolder FROMCLIPBOARD thing in DO10 that always gets me me. I use this all the time. If I forget to clean up the clipboard, I can end up with too many folders.
Unfortunately, I can see no script modifier that will override the "multiple folders" option that I like to use when I create new folders "manually".
It sounds like the new approach will protect my from my own stupidity.
Personnaly i prefer the old method because the way i work is really faster
When i need to generate all my folders it is always from a list of existing files.
So i just need to print the folder and then open the csv in exel.
I created a macro that give me the string i need to input in the create multiple folder separated by a comma..
Then i just copy and paste directly in the create folder requester... and voila!
Now it is impossible to do that this way and i need to edit manually in the create folder requester...
I cannot simply copy and paste and hit ok!
Oh oh!! i found a new way to do that in a very much more easy manner!!!
So now i prefer the new way
If you have a list already typed in a text file and even in a exel file you can simply copy and paste all lines!
I hope to get the same requester type for advanced search and select
As you said you understand the benefit of the new process so lets not go in to that.
What you are asking is to have an option added because you are used to the old way. Options mean dev, testing and increases the cost to maintain an application. While I'm sure an option could be added what would be the value?
Dopus has many options and the Devs need to be careful. Every new option needs to add enough value to justify the extra code and complexity.
Change can be annoying (esp when its for no reason), here its for good reason with no loss of functionality. While it might take a but to get used I suspect it wont be long and your muscle memory will catch up. Keep plugging along mate, you will get there .
For what its worth I would rather see the Devs work on something else. Something that adds new features we don't currently have.
You could get the behaviour you want by writing a simple script that prompts for comma separated folder name(s) via a dialog box. It would be trivial to split the user supplied string into discrete folder names and then create new folders accordingly.
Regards, AB