I have used DOpus since version 6
Recently I have been using 11.14 on a PC running Windows 7 - quite happily
I have just "free" upgraded to Windows 10
following the successful upgrade, I tried to open a zip-file which has password protection (created using 7-zip)
I believe I normally do that by right-clicking on the zipfile in DOpus to get a dialogue, select from a 7-zip sub-list to open the zipfile which gives a secondary windows to select an individual file & then enter a password to open- easy-peezy - the same process works in Windows Explorer -
With the new Windows 10, right-clicking on the zipfile directly gave an dialogue error "DOpus has stopped working" - sometimes dialogie allows restarts - sometimes just closes/
I did this several times to make sure I wasn't doing something different to what I normally do - failed everytime
I did the same using Windows Explorer - and that worked
So I thought there might be something wrong with DOpus 11.14 & Win10, so I upgraded to the latest version 11.19, re-booted the PC and tried the same process - again I am unable to right-click on any zipfile in DOpus to get a dialogue
I looked though the forum, and (from 2009?) someone suggested I double-click the zipfile and then a right-click gives a dialogue - that worked - I can view the file (a sensitive PDF) but not a solution as right-click is the intuitive way
I then tried to right-click on a PDF, and WOW!! that failed too
In fact right-clicking on any file type in DOpus fails - folders are OK
BUT Win10 Windows Explorer works fine - so on the surface it doesn't look like its a Win10 upgrade issue
Can you help me with this serious issue - right-click is so often used