There is no option to create script command neiter in Preferences> Toolbars> Scripts, nor in Customize> Commands.
I need to create a button or modify existing button to create one. Not convenient.
There is no option to create script command neiter in Preferences> Toolbars> Scripts, nor in Customize> Commands.
I need to create a button or modify existing button to create one. Not convenient.
Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts has a command in the file menu to create a new script add-in. Script buttons can be created like any other button.
Right, just for anything else there is icon for such activity just over item list.
In changelog, you say "You can find this folder by typing /dopusdata/Scripts" but scripts must be in /dopusdata/Script AddIns.
It's not possible to have buttons to add or delete ?
I know a Delete button is planned, but held up as it needs new strings/translation for its label.
For now you can just delete the files out of the Script AddIns dir, and Opus will notice and automatically update the Preferences page just from that.
I've fixed the path in the change notes, thanks for finding that.