DO11: Undocumented feature: Prefs opens in search box

It used to be that when you entered the Preferences menu, you had to press F3 to get into the search box. The extra keystroke wore my finger pads thin.

No longer! The prefs menu goes straight to the search box. Thank you Team Opus. :slight_smile:

Didn't see that in the announcement.

There are a few little tweaks like that which didn't seem worth mentioning explicitly, but hopefully improve things a little bit for people who use them. :slight_smile:

Love it. :thumbsup:

The same feature for the filter box in the shortcut keys tab would be nice as well...

F3 gets you there but it'd be nice to have it consistent.

+1 for the Customize filter as well...

I feel it's less useful with Customize since the dialog, remembering the last tab I used, often opens on a different tab to the one I want when I open it (which is fine, it can't predict that). Changing the tab gives focus to the tab control, so the search field would often not have focus anyway.

I don't think people search in Customize anywhere near as often as in Preferences, either.

I for one use different Prefs CUSTOMIZE args to go straight to the page I want depending on what I want to do, so focus on the filter field when I run 'prefs keys' would still be 'nice to have'. To your point though, I'll admit that I'm only using it alot now in Customize while I'm rebuilding my config.

[quote="leo"]I feel it's less useful with Customize since the dialog, remembering the last tab I used, often opens on a different tab to the one I want when I open it (which is fine, it can't predict that). Changing the tab gives focus to the tab control, so the search field would often not have focus anyway.

I don't think people search in Customize anywhere near as often as in Preferences, either.[/quote]
I agree it's less useful than in the preferences dialog but if it could be easily implemented, the few that would benefit from this would be happy whilst the others won't be affected at all. A winner all the way :smiley: