DO12 - File list scrolling oddity

In the screenshot, note the partially visible filename at the bottom. If I press Page Down, the highlight moves to the last fully visible name. That's OK, but if I press Page Down again, the partially visible name now becomes partially visible at the top.

I never saw this behavior in Opus 11, but I now see that if I restore my Opus 11 configuration to Opus 12, I don't see it either so I don't know if the undesirable behavior is inherent to Opus 12. On second thought, I guess it is because the behavior is present with the original Opus 12 default configuration restored.

So it looks like an Opus 12 problem, but one that can be hidden by some as yet unknown configuration option.

Maybe related, maybe not: I also see more lines when using the Opus 11 config. Still trying to determine why.

I don't know whether this is an accidental side effect or not, but unchecking Display -> Options -> Use visual style to draw items (overrides selection colors) corrects this and checking the same thing in the Opus 11 configuration creates the same problem at least in Opus 12, probably in Opus 11 too, but I don't know.

Yes, turning that option on produces the same results in Opus 11, so this seems to not be an Opus 12-specific issue, but maybe the option should be off by default since it seems to cause undesirable behavior.

This should be fixed in the next beta (12.0.8). Once it's out, please try it and let us know if you still see any problems.

(The new code makes it so the last fully visible item at the bottom before you page-down should be fully visible at the top after you page-down, so it no only avoids the partially-visible item never being visible, but also ensures there's always a one item overlap, to aid in continuity while paging through with the keyboard.)

If this issue is to be fully corrected in 12.0.8, what I'm about to say may be irrelevant, but I previously reported that the "partially visible filename problem" existed with Display -> Options -> Use visual style to draw items (overrides selection colors) checked and not with the option unchecked. That's still true if I restore a configuration that I was using at that time, but with the configuration I'm now using, the "partially visible filename problem" exists with the option unchecked and does not exist with the option checked. I don't know what other option change has apparently reversed the behavior.

It probably depends on your file display height as well as that setting. Try 12.0.8 when it's out and let us know if you still see problems.

Yes, 12.0.8 seems to work as advertised regarding this issue.