DO12 - Filter Color lost


after installing the 12.0.5 beta, I lost my Color Filter for files which I have create under "File Operation/Filter". I like to Highlight the files which are create or modified within 24h (always).

In the Filter panel there is no option for colors... where can I set the Filter behavior?

Thanks for any hint.



Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Label Assignments

Is the label filter still there?

Hello Leo,

yes the Label Assignment is still there.
Whats about "Labes" under Favorites and Recent? There are only defaults. If color labeling not possible, it would be also very good if I could use that blue flag to highlitgh my 24h files.



You can make a label filter in that folder. Open the folder options (-> tools -> folder options -> labels), then hit Alt-F to make a new label filter. Give it a new name, then click the "+" symbol, & choose "date" (would be 1 day) or "time" (in that case 24 hours), then select the flag symbol from the labels list. You may have to turn on the statuslabels color, & save the whole thing for the folders, or all subfolder, too.

Hello Leo,

I add the column "Status Symbol" via Folder preferences -> Tab "Labels". So I can see via Icon which files are 24h.
Nevertheless, a highlighted line would be also very handy.



Hello abr,

sorry I saw your post to late :wink: Yes this is what I do currently.

[quote="gieri"]Hello Leo,

yes the Label Assignment is still there.
Whats about "Labes" under Favorites and Recent? There are only defaults. If color labeling not possible, it would be also very good if I could use that blue flag to highlitgh my 24h files.



The Labels page has been split into two separate pages (Labels and Label Assignments) in Opus 12, instead of cramming everything into one page. But apart from that, and some new functionality (like status labels, which are not relevant to this thread), things should work the same as before.

If they aren't working the same, what do you currently see in the Labels and Label Assignment pages?

Is your filter still shown in the Label Assignments page, or is it missing?

Hello Leo,

thank you for this hint... now I got it and understand.

