Empty controls appear when you resize dialog
Same here
No controls at all here if you resize to the smallest possible size (only the context menus tab).
Thanks for the report.
I'm not sure that are errant controls, in Opus 11, it's possible to customize context menus.
Impossibiliter d'afficher la configuration des Menus Contextuels, même en modifiant la taille de la fenêtre
Mise à jour D.O. 12.0.3
Impossibiliter to display the configuration of the contextual Menus, same by changing the size of the window
Last updated D.O. 12.0.3
I’m surprise that feature introduce in DO11 is out in DO12.
See Help file.
[quote]Context Menus can be configured in the same way as Toolbars
You can now configure things like the background image or color, image and label state and font size and style for context menus.
The Context Menus tab in the Customize dialog now has the same set of controls as the Toolbars tab letting you make these changes in the same way as for toolbars.[/quote]
It's a bug. We'll bring it back.
Will be fixed in beta 5.