DO12 - Status label search / bug

Is there a good way to search for the new status labels? I tried it in the panel, where, by the way, the list of available labels appears to be incomplete. It starts with the letter "G", but there should be some more label colors in the list, below G.

I'd like to set up buttons using commands like FIND IN "K:\Bilder" Label=important (this is just an example, i don't know the right syntax) rather than the panel itself, if that can be done.

I forgot to mention, if i used the search panel, no results were found, as i would have expected, if i picked "important". The filter used "type = file", "label = important", but didn't find the test files.

Thanks! These will both be fixed in the next beta.

This is what i try so far. You can see, that the L:\root contains the status column, with some "important" labels. The filter says "Type = files" / "AND Label = Important", but the search button brings up no results, as i would expect.

Does it work if Important is the only label the file has?

Yes, you're right, Leo. If there is only a sole important label per item, it works. But the presence of other status labels in the same folder seems to impair the function, so that's why i had no findings in a couple of test folders. I started using the status labels a lot, it's a great novelty.

Thanks, will be fixed in the next beta.