Does dopus have a video thumbnail cache?

12 - Does dopus have a video thumbnail cache?

It seems every time I go into a folder with videos, the thumbnails have to load again... and it takes forever even with only a few videos in a folder. :open_mouth:

Preferences / File Display Modes / Thumbnails / Cache thumbnails and the link next to it are what control thumbnail caching in Opus.

Those affect thumbnails generated via Opus internally and via Opus-specific plugins like the Movie plugin.

Thumbnails which are generated via the Windows shell are not cached, since the shell does its own caching. (No point caching a cache.)

Configuring the Movie plugin (under Preferences / Viewer / Plugins) to turn off its Generate Thumbnails option will make it so the shell generates them instead of the plugin, which may be faster if the default mode is slow for you.

Also note that changing some Preferences or plugin settings can cause the Opus thumbnail cache to be cleared (assuming the cache is even enabled). And on the shell side, tools/actions to repair incorrect icons/thumbnails can cause the shell's cache to be cleared (since the problem is usually the wrong things being in the shell's cache).

Thank you!

I noticed in the Movie plugin there is a setting called "maximum time per thumbnail", what does this entail?

And actually it seems like the Windows shell is doing the thumb generation.... The reason is that I enabled "add sprockets to thumbnails", but when I re-generate the thumbs.... there are no sprockets. But sprockets do show up on GIF thumbs. What gives?

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It's the maximum time to make a thumbnail before it gives up and cancels the attempt, since some video codecs/splitters can get stuck or take a very long time to render a frame.

If it falls back on the shell there may not be a suitable codec/splitter installed which Opus can use.

Does Opus use the system wide codecs or do you mean the ones included in the plugin for Dopus? IIRC, mp4 isn't supported by default is it? It's in my list of file extensions but it's at the very end which made me think I might have tacked it on there myself.

And I just noticed that WMVs have sprockets now so those are definitely handled by Opus.


Just tried using Windows Explorer and thumbnails load much faster there, both mp4 and wmv.

Turn off the Movie plugin's Generate Thumbnails option. Opus then uses the same thing as Explorer.

Yep, it's what I had to resort to! :astonished: