Does NEWTAB=findexisting not work from dopusrt?

I'm playing in AHK, using dopusrt to open paths extracted from programs.

Run, %dopusrt% /cmd Go "%filename%"  NEWTAB=findexisting ; TOFRONT
Run, %dopusrt% /cmd Go "%filename%"  NEWTAB=deflister,findexisting ; TOFRONT
Run, %dopusrt% /cmd Go "%filename%"  NEWTAB=findexisting,tofront
Run, %dopusrt% /acmd Go "%filename%"  NEWTAB=findexisting OPENINLEFT TOFORNT

so everyone of those lines works... Except for the "findexisting". which works from bottons inside of dopus but not when launched through %dopusrt%...

can dopusrt not use findexisitng?
is there a bug here?
am I missing something?


It should work, but is probably not being run on the window you expect.

More detail on what happens is needed to say anything more definitive.

do you have AHK installed on your machine??

try this script if you do

the hotkey is 1
esc will kill it.

paste a file path into the box, it will open in new tab and select the file. this part works. (or use the provided notepad.exe path I put in there)

run the hotkey a few times in row, on the same file, see if it opens a new tab every time or reuses an existing one.

for me "findexisting" is ignored and a new tab is opened every time.

the code below is dopusrt equivalent of Run, explorer.exe /select, "%filename%"

; dopusrt NEWTAB=findexisting test.ahk
#SingleInstance, Force

InputBox, filepath, dopusrt findexisting tab text, Paste a File Path. Run this hotkey a few times in a row.,,,,,,,,C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe
if !FileExist(filepath)
		MsgBox, 262144, , File Not Found`, try again., 4
Run, "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Go "%filepath%"  NEWTAB=findexisting TOFRONT OPENINLEFT
