paste a file path into the box, it will open in new tab and select the file. this part works. (or use the provided notepad.exe path I put in there)
run the hotkey a few times in row, on the same file, see if it opens a new tab every time or reuses an existing one.
for me "findexisting" is ignored and a new tab is opened every time.
the code below is dopusrt equivalent of Run, explorer.exe /select, "%filename%"
; dopusrt NEWTAB=findexisting test.ahk
#SingleInstance, Force
InputBox, filepath, dopusrt findexisting tab text, Paste a File Path. Run this hotkey a few times in a row.,,,,,,,,C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe
if !FileExist(filepath)
MsgBox, 262144, , File Not Found`, try again., 4
Run, "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /cmd Go "%filepath%" NEWTAB=findexisting TOFRONT OPENINLEFT