I have been doing a lot of Python development recently.
I'd love to be able to setup a button in DOpus (11) that:
[li] Searched for all *.py files in the current directory and all subdirectories of current directory[/li]
[li] Archived those files, keeping subdirectory folders intact, into a file called "Python_dev_files_20161025.zip" where the "20161025" component of the file name is automatically applied from today's date.[/li][/ul]
Can anyone tell me if this is possible in DOpus 11? Or, in DOpus 12, for that matter?
I agree with tbone, and recommend the option of having the script enumerate and filter the files and folders itself, rather than using Find to create a collection.
[quote="lxp"]You could also let 7-zip do the filtering:
"%programfiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" a Python_dev_files_{date|yyyyMMdd}.zip {sourcepath}*.py -r
Thinking about it, if it's just *.py that you want, you could do the same with Opus's built-in copy filter (<-- Opus 11 version of the page; Opus 12 version). No need for scripting at all, nor external commands.
(Using an external command saves you having to define the filter, OTOH, so lxp's approach may still be easier if you already have 7z.exe installed.)