Does anyone here know why Dopus 11 isn't showing icons for certain files types in the details view? I have it setup so that Icons are shown in the thumbnail column, but for some reason certain archive icons aren't showing at all, (rar/7z).
Is that a cloud storage folder?
There's a bug in one or some of the cloud storage shell extensions which causes them to return invalid icon data which then causes the icons to be blank.
Which version of Opus 11 are you using?
Opus 11.18 and above have a workaround for that.
What do you see for the same files in File Explorer?
- It's my download folder so not a cloud storage folder.
- Directory Opus Pro 11.19
- The file type icons load fine in the Windows Explorer
I hope some of this is helpful.
What's the thing in the bottom left corner of the zip icons?
It's part of the icon set I'm using for archives, it just says 'Z' for zip, I'm using a custom set of Icons, but it doesn't seem to be the thing that's making them not show.
It could be something to do with the icons themselves, or the way they have been assigned to the file types.
If you reset things to the standard icons (e.g. from WinRAR and 7Zip), do those icons show up?
Resetting them didn't make a difference, I did notice that they loaded in the folder when I first went into it, but after the Size column calculates sizes they disappear again. This is how they look on Desktop and they all function correctly.
Another update with something that Iv'e found, when I put the icons in large view mode, the zip archives show the zip icons that I had set, but the .rar and .7z files don't they show the Dopus archive icons. Keeping in mind that if I look at the properties of .rar and .7z files they show the icons I have set.
You could try Clear Icon Cache in case the cache has bad data for some of the icons.
If you link your account and run FileTypeDiag against some of the good and bad filetypes, I can take a look at the registry settings and see if anything looks like a possible cause. (If you have Opus 12 installed, you can save a more comprehensive diagnostic via Settings > File Types and then the File > Diagnostic menu item.)
It didn't work, is there a way of disabling the Dopus archive icons though?
Try turning off Preferences / File Display Modes / Thumbnails / Display thumbnails for folders. Does that affect what you're referring to?
Please also try the second half of my reply above, unless there is some reason you can't link your account?
Going into Preferences / File Display Modes / Thumbnails / Display thumbnails for folders. worked for me, they all show as they should, as for linking my account I forgot my Serial Key.
You can find it under Help > Licence Manager in the program.