Dopus 12.19 does not start

I have done all I think I can do to solve this problem. I have tried disabling extensions. It is almost impossible to arrive at a solution doing this and it has been extremely time consuming. I will disable a group of extensions and the program will work for a while then the same open problem comes back. I have done this for all extensions.

I have worked with procmon. dopus.exe does not appear in procmon when the program does not start. When the program does start I get a large number of entries using the procmon dopus.exe.jpg filter. There is around 300,00 entries with that filter when the program starts. When I filter on dopusrt.exe I get 221 events. Nothing stands out when I look at the events.

The program starts every time with the compatibility setting as shown by file: Compatibility.jpg.

The screen in the screen shot This PC 2.jpg comes up when the program starts. The screen shot This PC 1.jpg is what I used to see. It is what I see on my laptop and occasionally when I was troubleshooting.

Any other thoughts. At this point I have stopped trouble shooting and us the Windows 8 compatibility settings all the time due to the large amount of time I have spent troubleshooting.

procmon dopus.exe This PC 1 This PC 2 Compatibility

Please make a procmon log of what happens, with the default filters, and everything turned on (filesystem, registry etc.). Don't filter anything out. Other processes may be involved. Zip the log and send it to us to look at.

When doing it, turn off any compatibility settings (they should never be turned on).

It's also worth checking the installer itself doesn't have any compatibility settings turned on, and re-running it if it had them before.

The Zipped logfile will have to wait. It is almost a GB in size in PML format.

An unusual event occurred. Opus came up after boot and appeared normal. Compatibility was not on. Got notification of the following Windows update during the reboot:
Quality Updates (17)
2020-03 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1903 for x64-based Systems (KB4540673)
Successfully installed on 3/11/2020
Need to test to see if the program will now work after this update.

PML files compress extremely well. It won't be that large once you zip it.

I ran procmon for a limited time to get the file size down. The program has not failed for 2 power and restart cycles since the Windows update mentioned above.

Logfile.7z (4.8 MB)

If it's working then the logs won't tell us anything. We need logs of what happens when it goes wrong (if it goes wrong again).

Have not had any problems since the Windows Update on the 11th. Thanks for your help. Ray