last days we get the new license file for version 12 from you and I am on the way to prepare the new scrips to distribute DOpus via Microsofts SCCM. I prepared the new ISS-files change the scrips which are running fine for version 11. and start over with a test system. The important command are:
the install scrip runs in a mode: "install with admin rights when no user is logged-in". This last line - working with version 11 and above - never terminates with version 12. After installation, I make login to the system (Windows 7 or 10) and find this process in the process-list, see attachment (DOpus.png). The license is not active.
If I start the same Script in user context from Microsoft "Software Center" (part of SCCM for installing optional software) it works for Windows 7.
But, if I run the same on an Windows 10 system I get an error message during license installation, see 2. attachment (DOpus-w10-softwarecenter.png).
Our situation is, that we can't distribute DOpus to our users. I hope you can help us with this.
The machine may need rebooting after updating Opus 11 to Opus 12, before the dopus.exe command can work. (This is true of minor updates as well, but you wouldn't need to run dopus.exe to install a new licence file for those.) Is that being done?
Also, has the silent install file been re-made with the new installer, or are you re-using the one from the Opus 11 installer?
If you can locate a crash dump file and email it to we might be able to tell what's causing the crash.
PS: Please do not post registration details to the forum. The entire world can read them.
The machine may need rebooting after updating Opus 11 to Opus 12, before the dopus.exe command can work. (This is true of minor
updates as well, but you wouldn't need to run dopus.exe to install a new licence file for those.) Is that being done?
there was no reboot, this was one script. After finishing the installation: yes I tried a reboot, but dopus was running in demo mode. Now I make a test (Windows 7):
deploy a upgrade from 11 to 12.2 via SCCM, then reboot
after reboot a second script is installing the licence, login to the PC and see dopus,exe in the process list, the same situation as before (see above imgage, its identical). No license was installed.
If I try to install the license after login to the PC, it starts only a new instance from dopus. If I kill all dopus instances before running the license installer from "SoftwareCenter" again I get now a program errror (see DOpus-w7-softwarecenter.png) and find a dump file (please see my mail to you).
I hope this helps you for finding and fixing the problem.
Also, has the silent install file been re-made with the new installer, or are you re-using the one from the Opus 11 installer?
Yes I renew the for all our case and use this new one (but the only difference in the files was the version number 12.2)
If you can locate a crash dump file and email it to we might be able to tell what's causing the crash.
On the windows 10 I can't find any folders named DOpus.Minidumps, sorry there I have no dump file
If you re-download Opus 12.2 from our site, you should get a new installer which includes this fix.
(To check the installer version, right-click it and choose Properties, then look at the Digital Signatures tab. The new version will be signed 20th or 21st October, depending on local timezone.)
Please give that a try and let us know if the crash persists.
That may still cause problems, since the dopus.exe or some of the support DLLs it requires may still be the old version until a reboot is performed. If there is nothing in PendingFileRenameOperations after running setup then no reboot should be needed, but if there is (and it's pointing at any of the Opus binaries) then there most likely would need to be a reboot.
Replacement of the support DLLs without a reboot is the hard part, since they include shell extensions and other components which cause the DLLs to be loaded into other processes, and Windows provides no real way to replace a component while another process has it loaded, nor to make the other processes unload it, except to exit those processes. The Windows restart manager may save you there, but not all programs respond to it so it would depend on your environment.