Dopus archive defaults

How can I define which compression format will be active by default if I click Archive Files button? If "Enable internal Opus Zip support" option is enabled then it is always ZIP. If that option is disabled, no format is active (Archive Type field is blank and you can't click OK until you select your format).

It would be great when I click Archive Files button, that my last-used compression parameters are remembered (for example 7zip, best, LZMA2....). It should remember last-used parameters of ALL formats. So I can just select desired format and my favorite parameters from before are remembered.

I like to use 7zip for maximum ultra compression, and zip for archiving multiple files (already compressed or uncompressible such as self-extracting installers) in a single file uncompressed zip file (Store mode/no compression).

Have you tried creating a custom button that does exactly what you want? I've edited a few of the default buttons to better suit my needs and I would think the Archive Files would be no different.

It is possible to create custom button, but I want to control settings from the Add to Archive dialog, and while it's possible to invoke Add to Archive dialog with desired format, it still won't remember your settings. You would have to have a custom button (or menu or 3-button) with "hardcoded" parameters for each scenario. Hm and it seems from the docs that only format supporting optional parameters is Zip anyway.

[quote]Example: Copy ADDTOARCHIVE=.rar

The archive format can be optionally followed by parameters that are specific to the selected format. Currently the only format that defines optional parameters is Zip, those are listed below.[/quote]

I just want the Add to Archive dialog to remember last used settings for each available format. :slight_smile:

If this is a feature request, I would suppose to create something like profiles. But on the other hand... this is what you can already achieve by creating apt buttons or menu entries.

If you only want the optional parameters so you can define one set of parameters per archive format, then you don't need them at all. You can set the default parameters for 7z and other archive formats via Preferences.

You mean via Preferences of external compression program, not Dopus'? I can't find relevant options for this in Dopus (used search too) except for Zip :confused:

I don't really want optional parameters, I just want the Add to Archive dialog to remember last used settings (of each format and also remembers last used format itself). Is that possible to implement in one of the next betas?

Preferences, Zip and Other Archives, Archive Plugins. You can set the defaults there.

Personally, I wouldn't want the dialogs to remember the last used settings as I usually want what I've configured as my defaults and occasionally want something unusual. After using something unusual it's a pain to have to set things back to normal.

Thanks! I thought that's just a list without any additional options (beside toggling plugins via checkbox) so I overlooked there are "hidden" about & configure buttons which appear when you click the list item :astonished: :blush:

But how can I define which format is active by default? I mainly use 7zip with max settings but default for Dopus is Zip and if I disable internal Zip support then default is blank (invalid).

The example from the third post in the thread should open the dialog with Rar selected by default.

Great, thanks! I forgot about that :thumbsup: