[dopus crash]

today my dopus crash when i run a script from externally to run dopusRT /cmd myCustomCmd ...
a few days ago, dopus also crashed when i use autohotkey to change text in code editor, here are autohotkey command I used:

#if WinActive(" - Directory Opus ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe dopus.exe")
ControlSetText , BrainchildEditControl321, test ,A

when i save the code, the dopus crashed, so i uninstall dopus and reinstall it.

today, I run a script externally when dopus not running, then it crashed ,
i think it is unusual and maybe related to the previous crash

Please send us the crash reports and also link your account.

I have already sent an email.

I've purchased opus 13 plus from https://apsgo.com/ 2 weeks ago ,but i have not activate it, because i want to activate it affter my trial lisence is outdated, if i link it to my account ,will it trigger lisence activation now?

if i link it to my account ,will it trigger lisence activation now?

It doesn’t do anything other than link your account.

done! I can not use "Product Token" code to link my account ,finally I have to activate it and use "Registration code" to link


We made a change in 13.10 which should fix the crash you saw. Please let us know if it still happens.

good job! I have tested again, the 2 cases i mentioned are both ok, did you also fix crash about autohotkey? (I did not send you the crash log about autohotkey,so i am curious)

We fixed the crash you sent in.

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