Dopus for linux

is there a DOpus for linux

no. i do wish there were however.

There are some others such as. Krusader for Linux, but can not compete with Dopus. I think some here in the forum run Dopus in Linux through Wine but I do not know how well it works. I have only tried to install it in Linux / Wine but have not tested it for a long time.
For me, it's a big reason I run Windows and do not switch to Linux. Would easily buy the license again if it came to Linux as well, but Dopus is so integrated with Windows so they will probably have to restart everything from scratch.

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same with me.. i want to jump windows ship too..


You can get it to run using Wine:

With a modern Dopus in a modern Linux, I haven't been able to get Dopus up and running at all. Managed to get version 12 32bits up and running six months ago but not Dopus 13. Tried lots of different tricks in wine and different linux distributions. Not super good at Linux so maybe there is a way. Always getting gdi32.dll error. Have also tried lots of different programs such as file managers and other programs and all others work in wine but not Dopus.
Anyone tried Dopus 13 with linux and got it working?

Yes, it was tried.
installation works, but starting does not work due to the missing gdi32.dll
there is currently no compatible replacement for it!