Dopus Helper Application (dopusrt.exe) won't run on my Toshiba Satellite Laptop. I have tried running it from the command like with /dblclk, but it just will not run. I am running Windows 7 Professional, but I did a fresh install of both Windows 7 Pro and Ultimate and dopusrt.exe will not run. I just don't know what else to try. Dopus.exe runs fine without problems (version 12 32-bit). I seems to have something to do with a problem in double-clicking on the desktop. Double-clicking on the icons on the desktop works fine. I can run Dopus either with a shortcut key or running the program but dopusrt.exe will not run no matter what I do. If Leo is still around, he has helped me in the past and I am a longtime Dopus user. The only thing I have come up with on the resource center is that something about "injecting code" into Explorer. However, this is beyond my capabilities. Any help would be appreciated!
dopusrt.exe /dblckl
is not something you would normally run yourself.
Opus will run it automatically for you if it is needed. It is needed when Preferences / Launching Opus / From the Desktop... is set to anything other than Disable.
If you set that to Disable, Apply, then set it back to what it was on before and Apply again, it will re-start the program and also re-write its startup entry. That may correct things.
If it still won't start with Windows, you probably have something blocking it from starting. Typically Windows Defender or a similar antivirus/antimalware tool that may not recognise the exe file.
HI Leo:
Running Windows Security Essentials, and Windows Defender was disabled under Windows 7 Pro Ultimate 32-bit. System Explorer showed that dopus.exe was running but dopusrt.exe was stopped and would not rerun. Downloaded a fresh copy of DopusInstall from the website and compared the hash totals to the copy of DopusInstall 12.3 I had originally used to install. They matched. Installed Dopus 10.57 and the double-click function worked. Then installed 11.19 over 10.57. Double-clicked worked again. Finally, installed 12.3 over 11.19 and double-click still worked. My problem is solved but I would still like to know why dopusrt.exe refused to run and how it "hooks" into Windows Explorer. Does dopusrt.exe generate any exit codes I can look at?
If it's working now then there wouldn't be anything to look at. dopusrt.exe doesn't log anything to disk and whatever was failing no longer is.