DOpus not starting up, help appreciated

Hello people, i had been using Directory Opus 8 on evaluation, it was working fine on my XP SP2 installation, and i was quite happy with it so yesterday i bought version 9 of it.

However, when i installed it over the already installed version 8, it refused to start. D-clicked on the desktop icon, even on the ececutable on the program folder, but nothing happens. Its process dopus.exe on task manager appears for a second and then terminates (all other programs closed btw). I tried uninstalling the v8 and reinstalling version 9, but the problem persisted. I tried it on a separate Vista installation and it worked fine.

So for now, i' m clueless as to what might be the reason of this problem. (viruses & spyware checks already done btw).
I would be grateful if anyone could point me to the right direction.

Is the machine where you're having problems also a Vista machine? If so you must have turned on some compatibility settings in order to get Opus 8 to install. Those settings will still be applied to Opus 9 (even if you completely uninstalled 8 before installing 9) and may be causing the problem.

Bring up Properties on dopus.exe and dopusrt.exe and ensure that nothing is checked on the Compatibility tab.

While in the Properties dialogs, please also check that the digital signatures of dopus.exe and dopusrt.exe are valid.

Also, when you install Opus 9 on Vista, Windows may ask you if the installation was successful and offer to reintall with "recommended" settings. Do not select that option as it performs an XP-compatibility install which will cause things to work incorrectly. (This is one aspect of Vista that could do with improvements! The way it decides that an install may not have been successful is somewhat dubious and arbitrary.)

No, the machine on which i had this problem was an XP machine, I'm sorry i confused you.

But I have good news. The problem was fixed when i ran the file dopusrt.exe (the helper app) on the program folder. This caused the program to bring up the first-time settings wizard, and from that point everything is working nice and all is good :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply and thanks for the great program! :wink: