Dopus 'Pin to Start' context menu doesn't pin to Stardock Start11 Menu

I don't know if there is something about some apps, but sometimes when I try to 'Pin to Start' it doesn't work. Nothing is added to Stardock's Start11 Menu, or even the normal Windows Start menu.. I know that Steam apps won't pin that way, but normal .exe should..

Does it work for the same file in other places, e.g. File Explorer? (Or, a better test, the File Open dialog within Notepad. Some things only work within explorer.exe and get blocked from any other process.)

That menu item is not put there or handled by us, so unless we aren't passing it the selected files correctly or something, it's probably not something we are doing on our side.

This is working for me (appearing in Start11 menu).

I just tested it from both DOpus & Windows Explorer. DOpus failed, but Explorer worked, and put it in the Start11 menu.

@PassThePeas , It works for me usually, but on some .exes it doesn't.

I have attached the portable app with the exes if you want to try them? This is an app that tracks registry changes by app.
Registry Changes by App x64.7z (82.2 KB)

This button works fine for me in dopus, copy the explorer command from the context menu.
Anclar Archivo ejecutable a Start11.dcf (531 Bytes)

I installed your button, but I'm not sure where to find it. Is it on the file context menu by default, because I don't see it there, or in the Custom User commands panel either.

In customize toolbar mode, drag it to any toolbar.

I must be stupid because I cannot find your command. I have looked through and searched this customize windows and did not find it. I looked in the User Commands, and all of the other tabs...

Can you upload a screenshot of where I can find it?

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