DOpus Version in string

Im lazy and love buttons and menus to automate things :wink:
One of is:
Prefs BACKUP=all TO "C:\Users\Mani\Documents\DOpusKonfigs\Mani - {date|yyyy-MM-dd} · {time|HH-mm} - {dlgstring|DOpus Version eintragen:|}"

For the version information I need enter the string manualy... but i will do this automaticaly.
Is hera a way to do this?


A bit of script can do that:

function OnClick(clickData)
	var cmd = clickData.func.command;
	var cmdLine = 'Prefs BACKUP=all TO "C:\\Users\\Mani\\Documents\\DOpusKonfigs\\Mani - {date|yyyy-MM-dd} · {time|HH-mm} - ' + DOpus.Version.Product + '"';

Thanks, works sweet !!! :slight_smile:

thanks, mani

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