DOPUS10: Mouse Hover Activate Listers in Dual Mode

This is crucial, users want this option.
Mouse Hover Activate Listers in Dual Mode (whatever lister the mouse is over is automatically activated [becomes source lister]).

So users using an optical mouse (using the middle scroll button on their mouse) could scroll one lister (source) and then just move his mouse over the destination lister and IT now becomes the source. The user can then continue scrolling (interact) with the new source without first having to click anything.

Say I have a button on my toolbar that targets selected files, if I want to process files in the destination lister, I first have to activate this lister (by hotkey, clicking in the lister, or clicking the taskbar. NOW with Hover activate, I just have to pass my mouse pointer over the destination lister without clicking anything, it becomes the source lister. This is a cool way to also avoid inadvertently messing up your selection as you click in the destination lister(I'm aware there are other options around not losing your selection because of a mistaken click).

It's ACTIVATING the interface. Fields could also respond to the mouse hover to become active for typing, etc. It makes the interface snappier. Users had a need for this since OPUS 6.5

Preferences / File Displays / Options / Hover to switch source/destination state ?

Awesome! I set mine to 0ms so it's instantly responsive.

It would be cool to extend this feature to the toolbar fields and lister address fields.

If I want a button that is toward the left to work on a file or folder that's in a right-side lister, this would feature would be a pain in the butt for me. I would forever be reminding myself to "drive" the mouse up and then left so I don't accidentally activate the left lister on my way to the button. Without this option enabled, I don't have to worry that I'm activating the wrong lister unintentionally.

But, more power to you and Hooray! for DOpus' flexibility and options.

Oh My Goodness! This function has been here for HOW LONG?
and I decide today to .... just .... see ... if ..... ?

Now I have EVERYTHING I ever wanted in a file mgr ...
(at least for another 5 minutes :wink:

dOpus -- Would you Marry Me ? :heart_eyes: