Dopusrt and related questions

This code works (tested). It copies the selected files to a new zip in a new tab in the destination folder. The original source files are then reselected.

@firstfileonly @nodeselect @nofilenamequoting dopusrt /cmd createfolder readauto=dual,tab zip name ""{destpath}{file$|noext}"" dopusrt /cmd copy dopusrt /cmd select reselect
I think I understand why the first command has to use dopusrt, so that {destpath} and {files} can be resolved, but why do I have to use dopusrt /cmd for the remaining commands? It doesn't work if I don't.

Why do I need to reselect after the copy? I thought that @nodeselect would persist. I tried adding another @nodeselect before the copy but that didn't help.

Regards, AB

Something else that emerged whilst testing the above. This works. It creates a directory in the destination lister.

@firstfileonly @nodeselect @nofilenamequoting dopusrt /cmd createfolder name ""{destpath}{file$|noext}""
This fails. Createfolder error: The operation is not supported by this VFS.

@firstfileonly @nodeselect @nofilenamequoting dopusrt /cmd createfolder name ""{file$|noext}""
There is no obvious reason why it should work when the destination lister is the target and not when the source lister is the target.

Regards, AB

First, get rid of the name option.

You should really have posted these questions to the thread you started already where Porcupine and I have been working with you.

The command is valid as coded, and removing the NAME keyword makes no difference, other than saving a few keystrokes.

You should really have posted these questions to the thread you started already where Porcupine and I have been working with you.[/quote]
Different question(s), albeit some common ground.

Regards, AB

Well I'm still working in the other thread. Porcupine has you half way there and I'm testing my final solution to get you all the way there. I've hit an issue in Opus though that I'm submitting.

You should use the syntax I provided in the toolbar I posted which has working Createfolder examples

Continue this over in the other thread

If you prefix the first line with sync: then you probably don't need to use dopusrt for the other two lines.

If you mix internal (e.g. Copy, Select, etc.) and external (e.g. dopusrt, notepad, etc.) commands they'll be run in parallel with each other unless you prefix the external commands with sync:

(Not sure why sync isn't automatic, but that's how it works.)

I actually did try sync. It didn't do the trick.

Regards, AB

Hello Aussieboykie,

Thanks for the flurry of related ideas.
I'll attempt to rejoin these two threads in the next 24 hours.

Thanks Much ! 8) :laughing: 8)


Edit Note:
I'm still working on it all Aussieboykie.
Ken and I are still deep in thought.
Perhaps soon !??!