DOpusRT: Command lines for showing file/folder

Hello again,

after hours of testing I'm completely lost in space.
I want to show an file/folder in
... a new dual lister, source (left, top) pane
... a new dual lister, destination (right, bottom) pane

... the last active dual lister, source (left, top) pane
... the last active dual lister, destination (right, bottom) pane

I tried different combinations with /cmd and /acmd, PATH= and DUALPATH=, OPENINLEFT and OPENINRIGHT.

Any hints are highly appreciated!

Many thanks and greetings

dopusrt.exe /acmd Go PATH="C:\" DUALPATH="D:\" TOFRONT

Change TOFRONT to NEW if you want it to open a new window rather than reuse the last active one.

Thanks Leo,

what's the command when I want only open o n e folder, e. g. C:, either as source or as destination?

Remove the DUALPATH part.

Yep Leo,

and how do I set the source (left, top) OR destination (right, bottom) pane?

OPENINLEFT etc. which you already found.

dopusrt.exe /acmd Go PATH="C:\" NEW OPENINRIGHT

is opened left.

dopusrt.exe /acmd Go DUALPATH="D:\" NEW